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We at Cullross, are thrilled to unveil our brand-new website. We have been toiling away on this for a while now, ensuring that the site reflects who we are at Cullross.

What was key for us in this site’s development was making it clear and accessible. Ensuring the essential information, for potential clients or curious browsers, is front and centre.

The news and community tabs are particularly notable features. Both consisting of articles (like this one) updating you about Cullross. The community tab, however, is more specific focusing entirely on Cullross’ extensive charity work and community engagement.

Continuing our commitment to conciseness, we have also made it easier to see our numerous projects, both completed and ongoing. They are all on the front page with clear pictures and names when you hover over them. To find out more about each site just click on them. This will show you information about the site and a collection of site photos. It is worth checking back into the ongoing sites as we will be adding updates, both in new photos and writing, bringing you along on the journey of constructing affordable housing.

The site will be receiving regular updates so be sure to check it regularly, to keep updated on Cullross and witness how our projects are progressing.


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